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How to be an affiliate on Chaturbate​

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When you are an affiliate on Chaturbate and bring your own traffic to the site, you can earn a commission from any new members you bring to the site.
Chaturbate offers 2 different affiliate programs.

20% Revshare (recommended)
If you choose the 20% revshare program, you will earn a 20% commission from what the members you brought spends on the site for the lifetime of their membership on Chaturbate. This applies also when they spend money on other models on the site. Long term this will be your best choice, as it will create a passive income even when you don't broadcast or send new traffic

$1 per free signup
If you choose the $1 per free signup you will earn $1 for every new member you bring, regardless of them spending money on the site or not. This can make you more on the short term, but you will probably make less with this on a long term. You will not have any passive income unless you continue sending new members all the time.

How to get started as an affiliate
To become an affiliate on Chaturbate you just need to have an account. All models are automatically also affiliates.

To find your affiliate link for Chaturbate, do the following:
1. Go to the Chaturbate Affiliate program page
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find your affiliate link where it says Share/Promote Chat Rooms:
3. Copy your campaign id from the url (between the = and the &)


4. Paste it into your affiliate settings in DivaTraffic


5. Click Save Chaturbate settings

You have now configured your affiliate settings for chaturbate, and all traffic you buy on demand will be sent using your own affiliate link in DivaTraffic


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